We are very excited to be able to offer FLORENCE, a product of Generated Health, to our patients who have high blood pressure, diabetes, and more, as a monitoring system to help them manage their conditions. Florence was designed to support patient self-care. It is not an internet chat-bot, but is a system powered by evidence-based algorithms. Sounds very high-tech, and it is, however it is incredibly simple to use. As is evidenced by more than 200,000 patient successes.
So how does Florence work?
Florence is interactive with patients by way of text message. Your provider will get you set up with Florence and then at certain times during the day, based on your individual needs, you will get a text message from Florence asking you to check your blood sugar or blood pressure. You respond to the message, like any other text, with your numbers, and the data goes directly to your provider. It’s like having your doctor or nurse practitioner with you at all times!
Florence keeps you on top of your numbers. You may get busy throughout the day and forget to check your blood pressure or glucose. Florence sends reminder texts. There is no separate device to carry, just your cell phone.
Watch the videos below that show Florence works for these patients and see how successful the program can be. If you are interested is using Florence, talk to your provider to see if it is appropriate for you.